Saturday, December 23, 2006

My "studio"

The place that I create in is a shared space of the bedroom.Good use of space is a necessity.

The critic and muses and cutting needs.

Theory into practice.

Beauty and the Beast.

Fabric stash.

Misc. stuff, doesn't everyone have a closet like this?

Creativity is seldom tidy.

And for those who don't understand.
It looks like the photos are in the opposite order of the journaling so, I hope this works out. I apolagise ,I an new to this.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Among Friends

I have visited the art quilters ring many times.After about two days absent I have to check in to follow how others are using their creative energies,how the kids and pets are bringing joy to us,how spouses are doing the chores to allow more time to devote to the art,what distant or not so distant place is being traveled to.I egerly await the return of my fave artist when they are unable to blog.I come to you knowing that I can put myself before you and you will give me what I need because I am among friends.Because I am new to blogger bare with me as I struggle along with html,url,link,ect. You all make it look so easy.